YES! Sail Chicago offers a $100 rebate on joint/dual/household memberships to two members
living at the same address. To obtain a joint membership:
1. Both members should complete a membership registration/renewal on and pay the $200 registration fee. If either member wishes to waive
their service time requirement, they may also pay the additional service time fee.
Remember: Each account must use the same mailing address.
2. After both members have signed up, e-mail the Sail Chicago membership coordinator at to request a joint membership. Your request should
include the names and e-mail addresses of both members. Please indicate which
member should receive the $100 rebate.
3. The membership coordinator will acknowledge the receipt of your request and confirm
that you qualify for joint membership. Sail Chicago will issue a $100 credit to the credit
card of the identified member within two weeks of that confirmation.
Reach out to for any further questions.